7 things that change in a woman a day after the wedding
Many men claim that women change after the wedding:
"The day after the wedding she started giving me faces that I haven't seen before and not to mention the added pressure of having a kid straight away..." a 25 years old man who just got married to the love of his life confessed.

So is the cliché True? Do they change and how?
Or is it the other way around and the men are the ones who are changing?
The bottom line - are couples happier after they've married?
Recently married male users of Happybility are mainly complaining about these issues:
Shopping - The amount of shopping she does is increasingly growing!
Sex- surprisely, the amount of sex doesn't decline after marriage (at least not in the first couple of months) but once the kids come along then it's a different story: see how the amount of sex changes after the first child!
Friends - "The amount of times we invite friends over has declined significantly". Happybility can't really analyze why (it's not what Happybility is about) but we do allow you to talk to the men who are saying it and you can ask them directly why.
My Family - this is one of the focal points, many men are complaining that after the wedding their wives are treating their family differently, especially their moms!
Mutual respect - here opinions varied, some men are stating that their wives are sending out a different vibe, their mood, tone of voice and even their attitude has changed. This is not an immediate occurrence but rather a process that develops over time, for instance - in a long lasting married couples the men often feels a discontent from this subject and are complaining about it a lot more.
Fights - here overwhelmingly all men are of a single mind. They all talk about a significant rise in the frequency of their fights, even more interesting - they are reporting a change in the reconciliation process - Before marriage most men confessed that the best part of fighting is the makeup sex, while after marriage in order to make peace they have to kiss up & make amends, even if they think they are right.
Freedom - this maybe the essence of everything, many men are reporting that their sense of freedom has been taken away from them, they feel tied down and unable to do what they want.
It's not certain that it's the women fault here as it could be a psychological feeling within the men themselves. It's not completely detriment but you can talk to the same men directly and decide for yourself.
As we all know it takes two to tango and every coin has two sides, see what are the seven most common complaints for women about their husbands right after they wed...
To summon up we can see that men do complain about how their wives have changed after the wedding, we can see that this leaves some men extremely frustrated - but there is a silver lining or a positive side as there are plenty of things that men do love about their marriage. For example we can see that married men live longer and have a happier life and even (and you wouldn't believe it) they do have more sex than single men do!
You are more than welcomed to download Happybility and see more interesting data on men and women based on different profiles: at what age should you marry? At what age it is best to have a kid? And much much more.
You can also talk to different people and hear first-hand about it all...instead of us giving you statistical analysis - you can seek the answers for yourself cause the bottom line is - what fits someone - doesn't necessarily suits you. So go and find the people who are the relevant strangers for you.