Does happiness have demographic differences?

Much has been written about happiness; endless books, self-empowerment guides, definitions, workshops etc. But with so many theories, how is it that in all the years I've been studying the subject, I have yet to find even one person who is completely and utterly happy?
And you? How much have you read about happiness? How much have you studied? Are you happy? I believe this is a very difficult question to answer. What is there between reality and all the various theories?

I can't give you a prescription for happiness, but I can show you a new way to look at the issue. It's like asking how to get to the moon, and knowing you need to build a rocket. The theory is clear, but I can't give you rocket building instructions. And yet, I have found a tool and a way to get to the moon, and yes, it fits your truth precisely, made to your exact dimensions - it gives you the ability to use the tools which are just right for you and you alone. Remember: it is only a tool, you will have to fly yourself to the moon. But don't worry, you are not alone!
After so many years of research, courses, workshops, philosophy, positive psychology, coachers and so forth, I have understood that the thing common to all the theories is helping you cope with life, with difficult/beautiful moments, with yourself… (When I say 'cope' I don't mean to paint life as an unending challenge, I don't mean the negative definition of the word, rather the ability to understand life and live through various situations in a better way.) So how do you do it right?

What is the ultimate theory and how can you realize it?
It's important to understand that I am not referring to the concept of absolute Happiness, but to a better life, more joy and fun, more completeness and serenity.
Different theories will offer various solutions for coping with situations in ways which make you happy, but is what is right for you also right for someone else? Are those things which are right for someone twenty years older or younger than you also right for you? Unlikely.
Here is an article which describes, How Often You Should Be Having Sex, According To Sex Therapists. And if I'm older? What if my libido was never so strong? Does that mean I can't be happy? Does it mean there's something wrong with me?
Is there a right and wrong? Or is there a right and wrong - for me! Which is right for me but not necessarily for somebody else?

Medicine has also understood that there are differing sensitivities, direct connection to diet, diseases which develop only after age 50 etc. There are medicines which are suited to children, and those which are contra-indicated for children. An African man is exposed to different diseases than a man from the western world (where heart attack rates are among the highest in the world).
So why do people claim we all need the same 'medicine' in order to be happy?
Why is this not also dependent among other things also on subjective parameters?Does happiness also have demographic differences? Is happiness dependent on environmental conditions?
We are not all the same! There is variation.
What affects one does not necessarily affect another. Some of us need more friends, some less; some of us want more physical contact, some less; some of us like peace and quiet, some parties and chaos ; there are those for whom money is everything, while for others it's only a means to an end.
In order to find better and more effective ways of coping with daily life, you need to understand what works on people like you. What is good for a 17 year old pizza delivery boy won't necessarily be good for a 50 year old New York business man. The idea is to see what people like you are doing, what they have done in situations like yours, and where that lead them.
Happybility - this is a tool which allows you to see the differences. To find people like you so that you can understand the prescription for happiness that suits your profile.