Stressed? Here are some simple tools which will change your life
Competition is nuts, the world is outrunning you, and everyone is succeeding more than you are? The result: Stress!

Stress is the western world's disease in the 21st century.
According to many doctors and experts, the cause behind it is actually progress.
Instead of life becoming easier with every new invention, it actually becomes more stressful…
The reason for that is information overload. Everything is accessible. Before the era of internet, Facebook and smartphones, you didn't know how well your old schoolmates were doing, where your acquaintances were travelling, and you didn't get an update to your feed each morning about how well everyone else was doing.
We feel a need to stay updated and relevant in our own eyes and those of the world. That is, not only to follow, read and be up to date, but also to catch up and succeed ourselves.

Does your boss have a better life than you do? How much does he make? It's important to you to compare yourself to management, to check out their Facebook pages, their LinkedIn - to be aware. But does what you see there really reflect reality? How real and true is all this information stressing you out? And what about your colleagues? Will they be promoted before you? Are they leaving to start their own start-up? In other words, no matter where you look, it seems that people are getting ahead and the world is leaving you behind. Did somebody mention stress?
And when the workday is over, and you decide to relax for a while at the computer, you open your Facebook and see all your friends happy, having fun, travelling… in short - everyone's having a great time, and you feel a little irrelevant and left behind. So how do you relax?

Should you listen to the experts who recommend physical activity (just like so many of your Facebook friends are doing - but you don't love exercise - stress again?), taking a vacation (financial worries?), going out with your spouse or partner (every day?), and other not so practical suggestions…
Be honest - are you built for that kind of life? Long term?
There are easy and simple solutions that are suited to you precisely: your age, your personality, your status - everything has been taken into account!
A new direction:
Here's a new and accurate picture - it's important to understand what is really happening in the world, and not just the information you are getting on the web:

Did they really have as much fun on that trip as they said they did on Facebook, or were there also moments that were too hot / too cold / too tired / the children were annoying? Are those two really as much in love as they seem on their feed? How much do people in your field make? And more…
Now is the time to find out what is really going on in the lives of people like you, because we already know what affects you, what your goals are, and what is actually causing your stress…
Simple operative tools for solutions:
Download Happybility and find out how people like you really live, what is really going on in their lives: how successful their marriage, their financial position, their children are etc. The amazing thing is that just by understanding this you will already get a new perspective on your own life; you will already start feeling better and calmer.
Make rules that fit your personality, such as: no using the phone between seven and nine in the evening or dedicating time to your spouse / children / even yourself. But make rules you can keep. Here are some applications which can help with this.
The main difficulty is maintaining things over time. It's like deciding to go on a diet, and then breaking down after two days. You need encouragement, someone to understand you and support you. Preferably someone like you, not necessarily an expert, a 'regular' person who has been there, done that, so that you can learn from them how they dealt with it and whether it is right for you. Or someone in the same situation, who will go through the process/journey with you. Also for this you should go in to Happybility and make friends and groups over time, with people like you, to help you achieve your goals.