So what really goes on in the life of a supermodel, is she happier than you?
See what her real life is all about, what she has to face on a daily basis. What she looks like when she wakes up in the morning. And, should you trade places with her.

The life of a supermodel always seems so glamorous, she always has a smile on her face, surrounded by gorgeous guys, plenty of money and looks as sexy as a million bucks when she attends all those red carpets events.
We have contacted a few supermodels to better understand how happy they are and the results are extremely surprising: meet the real woman behind a supermodel in the top tier, the human being behind the glamor, while she is at home living her daily life with her spouse. Do you want to know what bugs her? What makes her feel good and of course what makes her happy?

"It's true that my life seems rather glamorous but it's not so easy to have a serious relationship when you are surrounded with men who want you, which is flattering but can be over whelming. It's hard to create a special bond with just one of them, there is always someone else who seems better suited and I think maybe I could do better." Said one of the top models on Happybility.
As it turns out models aren't exactly happy with their relationship, on the Happybility Index you can see that they are rating their relationships quite low, thou it can fluctuate if they find themselves in a glamorous power couple relationship.
One of those supermodels confessed to her friend Michelle that she met on Happybility:
"I really fell in love, I thought he was the one, the problem is that the competition is immense - everyone around me is a model and they all look amazing, once a quality guy comes along its fairly easy for him to attain a model, it's basically every women for herself and no one watches out for you. He was with me for more than a month and moved on to the next model (I hate her). Sadly they have learned not to look out for true love but rather use us as a casual fling or as a stepping stone for their career, most men I meet are like that!"

The most amazing thing is that Michelle (the friend she met on Happybility) is a 40yrs old married woman from the U.S. who weighs more than she should and has nothing to do with the whole modeling world (in fact she is a secretary). What's even more amazing about Michelle is that she has a better Happiness Index with her relationship and even (and you won't believe it) with her self-esteem and body issues, how can this be?

In a group chat between another well-known model and Katherine (a 30yrs old mother of three) the model confessed:
"It's a tough life, whenever I start a campaign I hardly eat for weeks before it and I am always around beautiful women. I feel like I am aging with every minute that passes by and the girls around me are only getting younger and younger. What's really frustrating is that after all the effort I put in - eventually they will photoshop me, which means that what I have is never good enough and will not last, if I am being photoshopped then even you can model instead of me!"
The only area where supermodels are fairly happy is with their financial situation, they all share a higher Happybility Index with money. The surprising part is that even aspiring models who aren't making the big bucks just yet are happier with their economic situation.

The obvious conclusion is that supermodels aren't necessarily happier than you. On Happybility you can clearly see that and compare every aspect of your life to them, like: relationship, kids, family and even looks.
If you think we are only trying to cheer you up then you are more than welcomed to download Happybility and compare yourself to them and even more importantly: you can create a personal connection with those models and talk to them about their glamorous life - maybe you'll be able to establish a serious connection with them like Lea and Michelle did.
Where do we get our data from - we have reached out to several supermodels (no money was spared) and we asked them to expose their glamorous lives anonymously on Happybility.
Luckily it only took them about two minutes to fall in love with the app so the rest of the data we got for free, ,maybe it's because finally they could act like a normal human being and behave as such.
It's important to understand that all the quotes in this articulate are incognito and you can't contribute them to Gigi Hadid, Crista Cober or any other specific model.
Never the less they are all supermodels, from the top of their trade and all are well known.